Privacy - Outdoors Great Southern


Your privacy is important to Outdoors Great Southern and we take all reasonable steps to comply with Australian privacy laws and guidelines, treating information collected as confidential. Information supplied by you will only be used for Outdoors Great Southern’s interactions with you and will not be made available to a third party unless required or permitted by law.

This may also occur where you have consented to the disclosure. Outdoors Great Southern collects a wide variety of personal information necessary for the purposes of conducting its operations. This is collected in a variety of ways, such as by mail, telephone, email, internet, personal contact, and through education and industry activities and events. If you do not want personal information about you to be used as a basis for further contact with you, then you should inform Outdoors Great Southern and we will respect your wishes. Personal information used by Outdoors Great Southern may be received, stored, processed, managed, administered, secured, or transmitted, either electronically or physically, on a server or local computer, in temporary or permanent records. Outdoors Great Southern will use and keep this information in compliance with the requirements of the law and in accordance with any other agreed requirements. Privacy enquiries should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer via email: info [at]