Lotterywest Funds Outdoors Great Southern Trails for Active, Connected Community - Outdoors Great Southern

Lotterywest Funds Outdoors Great Southern Trails for Active, Connected Community


Caption: Labor MLA Rebecca Stephens presents Outdoors Great Southern Executive Director Dr Lenore Lyons with a Lotterywest grant for $380,000.

Lotterywest Funds Outdoors Great Southern Trails for Active, Connected Community

Outdoors Great Southern, formerly known as GSCORE, is the recipient of just over $380,000 in Lotterywest funds for projects fostering social connection and volunteering in the Great Southern.
Labor MLA Rebecca Stephens announced the Building Community grant, which will contribute to two projects worth close to a million dollars, both slated to begin in November this year.
“This funding recognizes that the Great Southern offers so much more than just beaches and mountain ranges,” said Ms Stephens. “It provides us with a way to recognize the stories associated with the Aboriginal peoples of our diverse and vibrant rural landscape, while connecting our community through community history and storytelling.
“The projects funded by Lotterywest will not only enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of people in the Great Southern to access outdoor recreation activities, but it will also actively bring people together to document a shared heritage and to take an active role in caring for significant sites and the trails that lead to them,” said Ms Stephens.
Outdoors Great Southern Executive Director Dr Lenore Lyons said the grant provided opportunities for social connection and volunteering through two trail-related projects identified in the Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan (RTMP).
“The funds will enable two great projects from the RTMP to become a reality,” Dr Lyons said.
Read the full details here.